Dr. Ihsane Hmamouchi

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This month, AFLAR is proud to highlight Dr. Ihsane Hmamouchi, an esteemed rheumatologist and clinical epidemiologist. Her educational background includes fellowships and training at prestigious institutions such as Cochin Hospital in Paris and Lapeyronie Hospital in Montpellier, France. Dr. Hmamouchi currently serves as the Vice-Dean at the International Faculty of Medicine, International University of Rabat (UIR), and is an Assistant Professor of Clinical Epidemiology. She also holds adjunct professorships in biostatistics and clinical epidemiology at Mohammed V University in Rabat.
Dr. Hmamouchi’s dedication to advancing rheumatology and healthcare equity is evident through her impressive professional journey and numerous contributions. She has been instrumental in integrating patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) and enhancing health literacy to improve patient care for those with rheumatic diseases. Her commitment to education is further demonstrated by her founding of Epirheum.com, a platform offering free resources on research methodology, medical writing, and biostatistics, particularly for French-speaking researchers.
She has actively participated in various international collaborations and editorial boards, underscoring her commitment to inclusive and comprehensive scientific inquiry. Her involvement with the French Society of Rheumatology, the Osteoporosis subcommittee of AFLAR, and the Arab Research Group ARCH_ARLAR showcase her leadership and dedication to the field.
Dr. Hmamouchi has delivered numerous invited talks on healthcare equity, social media in public health, and precision medicine, reflecting her passion for utilizing technology to bridge healthcare gaps. She believes African research has significant potential, hence the need to strengthen the workforce in this field.
Join us in celebrating Dr. Ihsane Hmamouchi for her remarkable contributions to rheumatology and her relentless efforts to improve healthcare outcomes and education in Africa and beyond.
For collaborations and more about her work, visit: epirheum.com

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