Advocacy Committee


Despite what seems to be a significant burden of rheumatic diseases in Africa, huge deficiencies in education and training of health professionals and the society at large exist. As knowledge progresses at a fast rate, health professionals, patients and government officials need to contribute significantly to identify the burden of rheumatic diseases as an important health focus.

The African League of Associations for Rheumatology AFLAR is committed to partner with organisations and scientific medical societies at Regional and national and International levels towards improving research funding, social policy legislation and quality of care; assisting advocacy actions on the national and international levels around rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs).

The AFLAR Advocacy Committee therefore seeks to promote AFLAR as a recognised partner and source of expertise in rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases.


Advocate for the needs of people with Rheumatic conditions in Africa through Member bodies in the various African nations as well as AU, ECOWAS, etc.-

Engage for policy formulation– policies that affect healthcare providers and patients.

Educating the African populace on the various rheumatic conditions


The AFLAR executive committee will empower the advocacy committee to develop initiatives and projects within the scope of the committee’s roles to meet the objectives as stated above. This will include the ability to form and dissolve sub-committees and ad hoc committees to deliver on the objectives of the advocacy committee. The advocacy committee will be able to act on behalf of AFLAR on partnership, funding opportunities and advocacy-associated training and other initiatives that promote the mission of AFLAR with organisations within and outside Africa.


Tenure of office will be decided based the on provisions in AFLAR’S constitution or by laws of the committee.

Delegation of Powers and Tasks

The advocacy committee will be able to delegate powers and tasks to individuals and sub-committees on the delivery of projects and initiatives.


The terms of reference of the advocacy committee will be subject to review by the AFLAR executive committee at the expiration of each advocacy committee executive term.


The scope of the duties of the advocacy committee will be defined and refined by the AFLAR executive committee to meet the goals of the committee. The roles of the advocacy committee will include:

-Advocate for the needs of people with RMDs

-Advocate for education and research in Rheumatology

– Conceptualise and develop projects that promotes the AFLAR brand as a reliable source of information

-Coordinate the works of the subcommittees

-Provide strategic guidance on all AFLAR messages to internal and external audiences.


Membership can be constituted by nomination or volunteering based on the provisions of AFLAR’S constitution. To be chaired by an executive or council members for purposes of reporting to the executive. Composed of a Chair, Chair elect, Secretary and Committee members

The advocacy committee will also have the power to co-opt people or accept nominations and recommendations to specific committees commissioned for specific projects or initiatives.

Reporting and Monitoring

The advocacy committee shall give regular updates of its activities to the executive committee of AFLAR on a biennial basis. The committee will receive regular updates from its subcommittees and ad hoc committees at a frequency determined at the point of commissioning the specific sub-committee or ad hoc committee.
